BullGuard's Hootchie Momma .......We said Till I see You Again ...at 9yrs Old she has crossed the Rainbow Bridge.... I know my angel walks beside me everyday and will continue to Guide me in EVERYTHING I do here at BullGuard Not a day goes by that we don't miss you baby Girl!!!

BullGuard's Hootchie Momma! ....... Hootchie is our foundation girl, although in the beginning she was our other child......... We had no plans but for her to be just that, until we discovered that we could never find another dog that would meet the perfection of our Hootch. Although she is not breed standard for a female in weight, ( 153 lbs ), she is at the top of the standard in height ( 26.5 inches ). She has every other perfect characteristic of the Bullmastiff which is hard to find anymore. Of course, I am partial because she stole my heart from day one. We know our Hootch is irreplaceable and we only hope that her puppies continue to carry on her wonderful true Bullmastiff traits. She is probably the most spoiled dog you will ever meet, and she knows how to get her way with everyone she is around. She is the smartest Bullmastiff we have, and truly knows when I'm feeling sick or just upset. She is my personal bodyguard, but the sweetest girl in the world! April 2012, Hootch was retired from our breeding program due to Pyometra and her uturus rupturing. This was a close call for our family and our breeding program! Pyro is very dangerous, and this is why I preach to everyone... YOU THINK YOU REALLY WANT TO BREED? Something that seems as a simple as breeding a couple dogs can turn into your worst nightmare! If proper diagnosis had not been given within 24hrs, I could have lost my best friend! You try to go by the book but at the end of the day, thats not enough and the book doesn't tell you how to deal with the heartbreak. What could I do except pray... at this point, her big poor eyes looked up at me and told me mom don't cry it's going to be ok. The only thing that got us through all of this was the bond between her and I, and a vet that i could trust....YES we were lucky, as most dogs will not survive! Those days could have been my worst nightmare, and I guess through this we learned again through our Hootchie. Our job, through all of this, is to spread awareness of the complications that can occur when breeding. We seem to forget really fast that one of the greatest gifts given from GOD was having a dog as a friend....mine of course, a Bullmastiff. We don't realize how lucky we are until, in a split second, it can all be taken away! Hootchie has been our heart and soul, our foundation, here at Bullguard. We have been blessed to meet so many families through Hootchie. We have seen, just through her two litters of puppies, that we have changed people's lives FOREVER! We have so many families that were still waiting for their special puppies from her. She will be spending the rest of her life with a retirement fit for a Queen and touching people in other ways!!! Her Daughter's Ember and Zoey will be carrying on her trait's and are proud to call her Momma.......