Coming Soon.....

Mo-Jo is a standing ovation for the Bullmastiff ...... At such a youngster, I looked at him everyday, then one day...WOW! He has become an amazing creature. Mo is another one that is so willing to please. Now don't get me wrong, he has plenty of energy and isn't afraid to get his feet dirty, but as long as he is with momma, he is content. Monster couldn't express him any better! His head is AMAZING, yet he is a tall guy at 27 inches at the shoulders! As Mo matures, he only gets better .... It just baffles me that he is this large at just over a year old! He didn't stay in (Bocha's) shadow very long, I'm not partial to a brindle, but Mo has gave me a whole new love for a brindle. I have found a way to let another boy steal my heart, but I never really had a doubt in him .....Mojo surprises me everyday and I cant imagine him in a year or two from now !