BullGuard's Royale

Royale is a beautiful, unique looking boy! They sure did not make many of him! We call him our SEXY boy! Roy is the perfect show boy, as he spent a little time in the ring, gaining a few points but now is just our witty boy. He has a showboy stride and struts his stuff anywhere he can get some attention. Roy is a tall boy at 27.5 inches, and weighs in at a Super Lean 145 lbs! He is our most athletic dog as he can cover the yard at a moments notice and scale the 6 foot privacy fence when he hears something he is interested in. He also enjoys leaping onto the kids trampoline, and into the back of our Chevy truck...haha! He makes a great daddy, producing the temperament that all Bullmastiffs should have! We are so proud of our Sexy boy!